
Terms about 2my4edge's & asaprogrammer's all scripts which you buy

Refund Policy

We do not issue refunds after the purchase is made for any script from asaprogrammer, which you are responsible for understanding to buy the script.

Usage Of Scripts

The All Scripts located on 2MY4EDGE and ASAPROGRAMMER Resources are made by Arunkumar Maha, submitted by the author, or found in the public domain. They can be used freely on private or commercial sites unless stated otherwise by the script author in the copyright notice contained in the script and providing all credits to the author are left intact. They may be altered to confirm with your site, but please leave all credit notes and copyright notices from the authors in place. The scripts remain the property of the author and any extra copyright policy by the author must be adheared to before using these scripts. 2MY4EDGE and ASAPROGRAMMER Resources retains the right to edit any copyrighted scripts it sees fit for display purposes only to make it conform with this site, it does not alter the script in any fashion from the authors original for download purposes.

About The Scripts

These scripts are text files which can be opened with any text editor (notepad, word, etc), they have been compressed into .zip format to ensure the text format remains complete, as sending text files via standard html can destroy the format and present you with a corrupt script. You can open the .zip files with a program such as Winzip, a free program available from WinZip and extract the text file from inside into a directory of your choice. If you have any trouble using the scripts located on 2MY4EDGE and ASAPROGRAMMER Resources, please refer to the author page on this site for seeking help.


We do not guarantee they will function with all 3rd party scripts or web browsers. We are not responsible for any future api updates and script compatibility conflicts that may occur. It is our policy to support our products as best we can and we will provide support for 3rd party scripts conflicts at our discretion or as time allows. We are not responsible for any data loss that may occur as a result of installing these products.


Themes and Support are provided as is under the GPL 2.0 license.

Browser Compatibility & Multi Platform

Our All Scripts will support all modern web browsers including (but not limited to) Firefox, Safari, Chrome (all on PC & Mac) & Internet Explorer. Whilst we strive to give every a seamless & near-identical experience across each of these browsers, it is impossible to compensate for the lack of web standards support (relating to HTML & CSS) in some of these browsers. In the case of a browser not support certain web standards, we will include a generic workaround for that browser, which will degrade a specific function / feature gradually and in a way that doesn’t affect the user experience negatively.


You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership to any of our product, modified or unmodified. All products are property of 2MY4EDGE and ASAPROGRAMMER. Our products are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall our juridical person be liable for any damages including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or other losses arising out of the use of or inability to use our product.


We are not providing any future support, but we support for installation questions. These all scripts are collaboration of jquery plugins + 2my4edge.com tutorials.